Javascript code

Traitify API

Personality Integrated

Embed our API on any website or application

Traitify’s API enables you to embed our patented visual personality assessment into your application or website to create a native experience for your users. Whether you’re building the best way to create lasting relationships, or just want to better understand your own employees, Traitify’s API is simple, intuitive, and packed with smart ways to get you up and running quickly, all the while allowing you to present something comfortable and familiar to your brand.

Robust Developer Tools


Developer Docs

Our developer documentation is loaded with everything you need to use Traitify’s API. Start with our “Get Started” guide to see an assessment live and running, and then take it from there.

Client libraries

Client Libraries

Looking to keep your stack aligned? Want to try something new? We’ve established a wide variety of client libraries in the most popular languages to make life easier for you and your dev team.

Javascript widgets

Javascript Widgets

Integrate our personality assessments and results without having to design a thing! Use our mobile-ready widgets to get a quick idea of how our assessment, results, and other features look, and then customize to your own branding needs as you see fit.


All-Star Support

Need some troubleshooting? Our development team is capable of assisting in nearly every coding language, and is happy to help where we can. Use the intercom chat on this page, or email us at for a quick reply!

Include SaaS version as well

Included with SaaS!

Like what you see in our dashboard? Need to assess some users without using your own embedded assessment? No problem! API access is included with every subscription, and includes access to our SaaS version as well!

Thinking about using our API? Check out our docs before you get your API keys.

View Documentation

Time to Integrate

Ready to start using Traitify’s API? Fill out our contact form and we’ll get you set up as soon as possible. Once you’ve got your API Keys you’ll be able to see how easy it is to integrate Traitify into your product!

While you wait, check out the assessments you’ll find within our API.

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