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Love, With Personality

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Connect To Your Core

Traitify’s Love branch stems from our core personality assessment. Designed to understand what makes a person unique in the most balanced sense, this assessment does exactly what it’s named for and reveals the personality types and traits at the core of who we are.

Explore what makes someone unique from a high level or get granular insights with a widespread variety of trait data to see exactly what drives them.

View All Assessments

  • Dating


    Generate romantic possibilities by aligning compatible personalities and avoiding types that may conflict.

  • Relationships


    Supplement general relationship counseling (not just romantic) with a look into the personalities of all involved parties.

  • People Matching

    People Matching

    Use our PeopleLikeYou matching engine to build new relationships such as college roommates, travel buddies, and more.

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A loving couple on vacation

Personalized Matchmaking

Connecting to people on a deeper level is one of the most powerful aspects of being human. Today, nearly a quarter of all relationships – and one-third of marriages – start online. As the number of online relationships continues to grow, it’s increasingly important to ensure connections are worth your user’s time.

Traitify’s matching engine, called PeopleLikeYou, enhances matchmaking to pair personalities together on a deeper level, focused on complementing types and traits rather than traditional methods such as taste and preferences.

Traitify Assessment on a mobile device

How PeopleLikeYou Works

  • Assess Personality
    The first step is to gather personality data. As soon as your users begin taking the assessment, PeopleLikeYou matching can occur.

  • Organize Personalities
    Personalities are organized and correlated by how closely they match types and traits, as detailed as you’d like.

  • Find Best Matched Personalities
    Our engine finds the best matched personalities to an individual, creating a pool of personalities to match from.

  • Deliver Personalized Matching
    Generate matches from compatible personality types and traits, supplemented by any additional data your use case might have collected.

Contact Us

Interested in seeing what Traitify can do for you? Fill out our brief form and we’ll get back to you shortly to schedule a personalized demo.

Want a Custom Assessment?

Have an awesome set of data you’re looking to capture that might not fall within our current assessments? No worries – let’s make something unique together! Shoot us a message with what you’ve got in mind.

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