The Science and Psychology of Traitify

Our Science

Personality Blends and Types

Developed by our in-house psychology team, we’ve designed an assessment that is quick to complete and can be taken on any device. Users, employees, and candidates can complete an assessment at their leisure and the ease of access has demonstrable results - we’ve found 90%+ satisfaction in results and a completion rate of over 95%.

How Traitify Works

Traitify Careers Personality Assessment slide


Simply select “Me” or “Not Me” as you relate to an image presented. Each image is hand-selected and tested by our in-house psychology team to ensure your responses correspond to the correct aspects of your personality.

Our longest assessment typically takes only two minutes and every assessment (including the results and dashboard) are 100% mobile-friendly.

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Traitify personality results show Types and Blend

Personality Types

Types are the highest level descriptor of a personality. Each assessment typically has 6 or 7 personality types, giving you a broad understanding of what makes them unique with regard to that assessment. Unlike most assessments, we offer data on how exactly someone has scored in every type.

Blends: A blend is a custom description of how someone’s two dominant personality types work together to give the quickest overview of that person’s personality. Blends are available on most assessments.

Traitify personality results show traits on a scale from -100 to 100

Personality Traits

Traits are the building blocks of personality types and the power behind Traitify. These are the points of measurement collected with every response to an image and are scored on a scale of -100 to 100. Traits allow you to reach a granular level of what makes one person different from the next. Depending on the assessment, often 50 or more traits can be measured in a single assessment.

Certain Traitify assessments can show complements, conflicts, and best work environments


Certain assessments contain extra information included in their results. These can include complementing and conflicting personality types, and for our Careers assessment, the best work environment for that personality. Our Career personalities are also tied to careers within the Department of Labor’s O*Net Database.

Traitify Admin Insights Dashboard


Our administrator dashboard contains many features useful for any organization, but the insight page summarizes the personality data and establishes an actionable way to digest and understand everything that has been gathered. From here, you can view data from an overall perspective, create custom groups, and explore the data in the way that suits you best.

Compare individuals to each other, to custom groups, or to other organizations in their entirety. Segment personalities quickly and understand what makes people tick.

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Heavily Researched & Protected

Science and Psychology

Rooted In Science

Before putting an assessment into the wild, our in-house psychology team vets each image and the information measured within an assessment. These assessments are then tested internally and externally before being added into our roster.

Validity and Reliability

Predictive Validity

While this testing is crucial, we also understand that your audience (users, employees, candidates, etc.) can be entirely unique when compared to another, so we strive to ensure validity and reliability where they matter – in your data. It’s important that you can trust the personality data and see that it is true to your use case.

Patented Methodology and Psychology Used

Patented Assessments

Beyond taking great steps to guarantee the quality of our assessments, we’ve also patented the methodology and psychology used. We found a fast and proven way to measure personality and can’t risk anyone diluting the science behind it.

Traitify White Paper

White Paper: Harnessing The Value of Personality Data

For a deeper dive into Traitify’s science (and a closer look at some of our studies), please download our white paper.

Download White Paper

Minds Behind Our Science

Beverly Betz, MSW, BCD-P: Executive Director of Psychology at Traitify

Beverly Betz, MSW, BCD-P

Executive Director of Psychology

Beverly Betz, MSW, BCD-P, is the Executive Director of Psychology at Traitify. Ms. Betz is the newest member and brings years of clinical, supervisory and teaching experience to the team. Ms. Betz works with Dr. Honeycutt on creating and refining Traitify Assessments using cutting edge psychological science.

In addition to her work at Traitify, Ms. Betz maintains a private practice of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and supervision in Baltimore. After completing Master’s degrees at Johns Hopkins University, Loyola College, and University of Maryland at Baltimore, Ms. Betz engaged in further study at the International Psychotherapy Institute and the Baltimore Washington Institute for Psychoanalysis where she completed analytic training. She is a Teaching Analyst at the Baltimore Washington Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, where she serves as President.

Noreen Honeycutt, Ph. D.: VP, Psychology

Noreen Honeycutt, Ph. D.

VP, Psychology

Dr. Honeycutt is a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland and a training, supervising and teaching analyst with the Baltimore, Washington Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She also maintains a private practice and is involved in outreach programs such as the Psychoanalytic Case Conference and the Baltimore Clinic and Referral Service where she serves as Director.

Beyond her work at Traitify, Dr. Honeycutt is also a Training, Supervising, and Teaching Analyst with the Baltimore Washington Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She maintains a private practice in Baltimore where she sees individuals and couples. Dr. Honeycutt is a Clinical Professor at the University of Maryland, Department of Psychiatry. In addition, Dr. Honeycutt is involved in an array of community outreach programs such as the Psychoanalytic Case Conference, the BWCPP Film Series and a One Year Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Course in Baltimore.

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